FARM Center welcoming SC Foothills Heritage Fair

The Foothills Agriculture Resource and Marketing Center (FARM) is welcoming the South Carolina Foothills Heritage Fair to its new and permanent location at 2063 Sandifer Boulevard in Seneca, tells FARM Center Chairman Stanley Gibson. “Well we are certainly excited to have the fair at its new location, this is something that we have been building toward for a while and it coincides real well because it is our 10th anniversary and the county’s 150th anniversary. So, we hope that we are able to have a real big party here, a lot of folks come out and we are going to have a lot of different events going on at the fair. We’re just super excited to be able to host the first fair here at the new site. We’re going to have high school rodeo here that will be a new venture for us this year. I just encourage folks to come out and check everything out.” This new venue is right across from Ag Pro John Deere and Autobody Express on Highway 123 between Seneca and Westminster. The SC Foothills Heritage Fair is an old-fashioned agriculture fair. It runs Sept. 25-29, 2018.