Flu Prevention Tips

As the country deals with an escalating number of influenza cases, health officials continue to remind the public about washing hands and avoiding contact with infected people.  However, this time of year area residents are fighting more than just the flu. “We’ve had a record flu season this year, it hasn’t been this bad in close to a decade or more and so finding ways to prevent the flu and then dealing with it is crucial.  One of the things people don’t realize they might not get the flu strain that is going around but they may get one of the strains of viruses that cause flu like symptoms or colds.  They feel horrible and really want to know what they can do to feel better.” Health Coach Ellen Hotz offers these tips on staying healthy during flu season. “The first thing is prevention; the bottom line is to really try to stay healthy.  The number one thing is get enough rest or sleep.  Then we are also in closer quarters with each other because of the clod weather and we want to stay warm.  Therefore, everyone is inside breathing recirculated air and coughing.  We all hear about hand washing but sometimes easier said than done.  Hand sanitizer has helped a lot if people remember to put it on their hands.” For more tips on fighting the flu and staying healthy this winter visit Health Coach Ellen Hotz’s website at www.ellenhotz.com or call her for a free hour-long consultation at (864) 616-5156.