Foothills Farmstead announces 2nd Annual Cotton Ball

The Foothills Farmstead will be hosting the second annual Cotton Ball on Saturday, Nov. 10, 2018, from 6-9pm at the Oakway School cafeteria. Everyone is invited to join in celebration of another year of progress with the farmstead. The event will have food, drinks, games, a silent auction, a barn dance and even a time capsule. Tickets are $25 per person and you can pay at the door. RSVP to [email protected] with the number in your party. The main sponsor this year is Oconee County and in honor of the county’s sesquicentennial and the beginning of the farmstead, all attendees are asked to bring a small non-perishable item to be placed in the Farmstead Time Capsule. For more details on the Cotton Ball, visit