Gaining Weight on the Job

A new survey reveals 55% of American workers say that they are overweight and 41% say that they have gained weight at their present jobs. According to the survey, people in high stress professions or who work long hours behind a desk were the most likely to put on the pounds. Michael Erwin of, which commissioned the Harris Inter-active survey, gives details. “59% say that they have gained 10 pounds in the office while 30% say that they have packed on 20 or more pounds.” Erwin gives the main cause of office weight gain. “There are many causes but the number one thing is sitting at their desk all day, not getting up and moving around.  Followed by eating because of stress and eating out regularly instead of brining their lunch to work.” Be active at work in order to loose the weight, says Erwin. “The number one thing to do is to get up and move around.  Whether it is commuting to work, maybe getting off the bus a stop early and walking a little further or walking around the office, instead of sending somebody a text message or email, get up and actually talk to them.” The survey also asked workers if they exercise on a regular basis, explains Erwin. “3 in 5 say that they work out on a regular basis with 45% saying that they are hitting the gym a least three times a week, so there are people who are being active.  Unfortunately, we also found that 2 in 5 workers that say that they don’t work out on a regular basis and one in 10 workers don’t work out at all.” The survey found many of the respondents who said they gained 10 or more pounds at work were making poor meal choices such as eating out of snack machines or at fast food restaurants on a regular basis.