Gov. Henry McMaster Announces Seventy School Districts to Receive $10 Million in PPE for Reopening

COLUMBIA, S.C. –  Gov. Henry McMaster announced the State of South Carolina will purchase and distribute $10 million worth of personal protective equipment (PPE) and supplies to seventy school districts to help ensure that schools reopen safely this fall.

“Getting our children back into the classroom is vital for the continued growth of our state,” said Gov. Henry McMaster. “Securing this PPE will ensure that each school has the resources needed to succeed in providing a safe environment for both students and faculty.”

“As schools welcome back students and staff to classrooms across South Carolina, it is crucial that they have the resources needed to protect against the spread of the coronavirus,” said State Superintendent of Education Molly Spearman. “The statewide order of protective equipment announced today will help ensure that we have the safest learning environments possible.”

Earlier this year, the General Assembly allocated $155 million for the state COVID-19 relief fund and authorized the governor to direct funds at his discretion to “protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Statewide, 70 of South Carolina’s 81 districts requested PPE funding. The state will distribute the following PPE and supplies to the school districts as follows:

  • 248,000         Adult and student masks
  • 600,000         Cloth masks
  • 80,000           KN95 masks
  • 150,000         Face shields
  • 46,000           Gloves
  • 237,000         Gowns for nurses
  • 12,000           Cases of disinfecting wipes
  • 11,000           Gallons of hand sanitizer

The Department of Administration has coordinated the procurement of supplies with Superintendent Spearman and the Department of Education, the Department of Transportation, and the State Fiscal Accountability Authority. The Emergency Management Division helped provide masks, safety goggles, and gowns for school nurses.

Anderson School District 5 was one of the 70 districts to request PPE.

The governor will visit Wateree Elementary School today, Thursday, August 13 at 10:00 AM and to Johnsonville Middle School Friday, August 14 at 11:00 AM.