Governors’ Highway Safety Association warns about Drowsy Drivers

A new report from the Governors’ Highway Safety Association says drowsy drivers are an increasing danger on our nation’s highways. It goes on to says that more than 5,000 people were killed last year in accidents caused by sleep deprived drivers and that the total number of accidents cost Americans nearly $110 billion in medical care, legal fees, lost productivity and insurance, says Governors’ Highway Safety Association executive director Jonathan Adkins. “We are losing a lot of lives and we are spending a lot of money and that is because we are simply in a lot of cases just too tired and too exhausted to be behind the wheel.” Drowsy drivers are dangerous, continues Adkins. “Even if we are still awake and just very tired we are not going to be able to use good judgement and you have to look out for the other guy or gal, he or she may pull into your lane and you have to very quickly be able to react.” The cost to Americans is nearly $110 billion, concludes Adkins. “It is going to be healthcare costs, legal costs, costs for employers, lost time from work, all sorts of insurance costs, so it’s very significant.” The cost figure does not include property damage associated with drowsy driving.