Graham applauds Trump Administration for expelling Russian Officers

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on March 26, made this statement on the news that President Trump ordered the expulsion of Russian intelligence officers from the United States. “As I said last week, ‘Anything short of expelling Russian diplomats and agents will be seen by the Russians as a sign of weakness and by our allies in Europe as an American retreat in the face of Russian aggression.’ I am very pleased to see President Trump today take action and expel Russian diplomats in response to the recent poisoning attack in Great Britain. Our allies in the United Kingdom were counting on the United States to be in their corner when it comes to pushing back firmly against Russia’s outrageous conduct. This chemical attack put dozens of people’s lives at risk and violates every legal norm in the civilized world. Today’s decision will reinforce our support and allegiance with the United Kingdom, one of our closest allies. It also represents the United States’ complete rejection of Russia’s denial of involvement in the attack. When it comes to Russia we must continue to take strong action and today’s announcement is a good start. I greatly appreciate President Trump for taking this decisive action.”