Graham applauds VA Health Care Bill

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) Wednesday, June 6, applauded the signing into law of the John S. McCain III, Daniel K. Akaka and Samuel R. Johnson VA Maintaining Internal Systems and Strengthening Integrated Outside Networks (MISSION) Act, also known as the VA MISSION Act. Graham attended the White House ceremony where President Trump signed the measure into law. The VA MISSION Act will overhaul the VA health care system, providing veterans across the United States with easier access to more choices for quality health care. “I’m proud to join President Trump and my colleagues as we celebrate the VA MISSION Act being signed into law. This bill will ensure our veterans receive the speedy and high-quality care they have earned. I would especially like to thank Chairman Isakson for spearheading the effort to get this legislation passed by Congress and onto President Trump’s desk. This is a monumental step forward in providing quality health care to the bravest among us,” said Graham. The VA MISSION Act consolidates seven VA community care programs into one streamlined program, removes red tape so local providers can better serve veterans in their communities, expands eligibility for VA’s Caregiver Program to veterans of all generations, creates standards for timely payment to community care providers and provides $5.2 billion for the Veterans Choice Fund.