Graham asks President to intervene in Pastor’s Jailing

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) has written to President Obama requesting the President personally intervene in the case of Pastor and American citizen Saeed Abedini, who was unfairly sentenced to eight years in an Iranian prison. “I am deeply dismayed and disturbed by the news from Iran that Pastor and American citizen Mr. Saeed Abedini has been sentenced by the Iranian government to eight years in prison for practicing the Christian faith,” wrote Graham.  “Pastor Abedini’s case is symbolic of the gross injustice against all Christians in Iran today. While I fully recognize the myriad national security issues posed by the fanatical theocracy in Tehran, I believe the case of Pastor Abedini deserves your full attention and engagement,” wrote Graham.  “To this end, it is imperative that you personally add your voice to those calling for Pastor Abedini’s immediate and unconditional release. There is no better symbol of American values, specifically freedom of religion, or demonstration of loyalty to the welfare of our citizens abroad than vocal and sustained support directly from the President of the United States,” added Graham.