Graham comments on Extreme Risk Protection Order

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) Thursday, March 8, made this statement on introducing extreme risk protection order legislation with U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Connecticut). “Our government encourages our citizens that if you ‘See something, Say something.’ We also need ‘Do something.’ With the introduction of this bill today, our goal is to begin a national conversation on how we can prevent individuals who are in crisis from accessing deadly weapons. Senator Blumenthal and I disagree on many issues regarding the Second Amendment, but we strongly agree restricting access to firearms by those who pose an imminent danger to themselves or others is a strong step forward. I have spoken with Vice President Mike Pence about a similar provision in Indiana law, and the legislation we bring forward today is modeled on that state’s approach. It seeks to balance the Second Amendment rights of the individual with concerns from law enforcement and family members about those who may be experiencing a mental health crisis. The Emergency Risk Protection Order is designed to fill a gap in current law. It can be utilized when an individual has moved into crisis, but has not yet committed a crime. It is imperative that we begin discussions about how to provide family members and law enforcement an effective legal tool to help prevent individuals in crisis from harming themselves or others. The bill we introduce today is a starting point. It’s the place where we begin a long-overdue discussion about firearms and mental health. But we must start. We look forward to receiving constructive feedback from stakeholders across the political spectrum on how we can utilize this concept, improve upon it where needed, and eventually turn it into law in order to protect lives.”