Graham discusses Situation in Egypt

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) made this statement on the situation in Egypt. “I fear that without a quick reversal of current trends, Egypt may be on its way to becoming a failed state.  There are important issues at stake for our own national security and economic well-being as we watch events unfold.  They include: A failed state in Egypt will likely create ripple effects which impact American pocketbooks here at home.  A significant portion of oil on world markets comes from this region and instability, particularly as it relates to control of the Suez Canal, could have a negative economic effect.  In addition, the Canal is used by the American military.  A loss of use of the Canal would impact both our nation’s national security and economic interests. A failed state in Egypt is Al-Qaeda’s dream come true.  Al-Qaeda fears democracy in Egypt where people can have a say about their future and the rule of law replaces the rule of the gun.  Egypt, which has been a source of stability for American national security interests, could become a platform for the spread of radical Islam.  Egypt is the center of the Arab World and has for over thirty years been living under a peace treaty with Israel.  If Egypt falls, radical elements would be free to operate with impunity.  This would effectively break the Camp David Accords and sever relationships between Israel and Egypt. “The backlash against the Muslim Brotherhood was real and deserved.  However, we must remain committed to certain guideposts as a nation including the rule of law and not the gun, choosing leaders through free and fair elections, and inclusive government which protects the rights of religious minorities.  The only hope to stop the violence is to create dialogue between all groups within Egypt marching toward writing a new constitution and elections.  Over twenty-two members of the previous government have been jailed.  It is imperative some be released and negotiations be restarted which would lead to a new constitution and elections.  Short of this action, I fear the violence will continue to escalate and Egypt will become an even more fractured nation.”