Graham on MLK Day

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) Monday made this statement after addressing the Columbia Urban League celebration on the life and works of Dr. Martin Luther King. The event was held at Brookland Baptist Church in West Columbia, South Carolina. “I very much welcomed and appreciated the opportunity to address the annual Columbia Urban League celebration honoring the life and works of Dr. Martin Luther King. JT McLawhorn and his entire team at the Urban League do a terrific job for South Carolina. We honor Dr. King because he gave his life for a worthy cause which was to make America a more socially just place. At a time of great discord, he was a true fighter for social justice who believed in the potential of America. He focused on changing individual hearts and minds, not just institutions. Dr. King’s vision for our country was best summed up by the quote, we may have all come on different ships but we are in the same boat now. The best way to honor Dr. King’s work is for America to always moving forward and never go back. Today, I reiterated my view of what it means to be an American. Our country is not made up of a particular group of people or religion. It’s an idea that the government is there to serve the people, not the other way around. We collectively buy into the ideals of freedom of speech, right to choose our leaders, speak our minds, and worship God on our terms. We truly are a collection of different backgrounds that have created something very special. Diversity remains a strength of our nation, not a weakness. As we go forward to solve the problems of our time, we would all be well-served to remember the life and teachings of Dr. King. Hs words ring as true today as ever.”