Graham presses IG for Additional Details

On Thursday, June 21, U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) continued to press the Inspector General (IG) of the Department of Justice (DOJ) Michael Horowitz for additional information about the Aug. 15, 2016, meeting between three individuals in the office of the former Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe. According to released text messages, FBI agents Peter Strzok, the effective head of the Clinton email investigation and Lisa Page were in attendance, along with a third individual identified only as “Andy”. In a letter to the IG, Graham wrote, “Based on your answers, I have the impression Strzok told your office that McCabe, in fact, attended the meeting referenced in the text message. It is further my understanding that McCabe told your office he denied attending, or did not recall, the meeting referenced in the text message.” He continued, “Do you believe Strzok or McCabe, and why is it important? What did Page tell your office about the meeting referenced in the text message? What are your plans to resolve this factual dispute? I believe it would be of grave consequence if the Deputy Director of the FBI met with the lead investigator of the Clinton Email and Russia investigations to talk about “an insurance policy” against Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 election. That would show bias and inappropriate behavior at the highest levels of the FBI.