Graham Statement on Senate Confirming 200 Federal Judges: Milestone reached during President Trump’s first term

WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made this statement as the U.S. Senate confirmed the 200th federal judge during the Trump Administration.

“The confirmation of 200 judges in President Trump’s first term is a historic milestone.  I’m confident these judges will positively impact our nation and the judiciary for years to come. 

“We were only able to reach this historic achievement because of President Trump’s commitment to selecting strong, qualified, conservative judicial nominees.  As the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I appreciate the support of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and former Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley in helping these nominees get through the Senate. 

“Our work is not yet finished. Under my Chairmanship, I will continue to confirm highly qualified, conservative judges at all levels of the federal courts. “

  • Graham has been Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee since January 2019 and the beginning of the 116th Congress.
  • Under Graham’s chairmanship to date, the Senate confirmed 22 circuit court judges and 90 district court judges, which is the second-most amount of circuit and district court judges confirmed at this point in a Congress in almost 60 years.

Judges confirmed by the U.S. Senate during President Trump’s first term: 200


Supreme Court 2
Circuit Courts 53
District Courts 143
U.S. Court of International Trade 2