Hardwood Floor being installed at Shaver Gym

Recreation basketball players in the City of Seneca will have an extra spring in their steps this season.  New hardwood floors are being installed at the City of Seneca’s Shaver Recreation Complex, explains Seneca Mayor Pro Tem Ronnie O’Kelley.  “The hardwood is actually being delivered now and they will start immediately on that and by basketball season we will be playing on hardwood.” The new hardwood court replaces a sport court that was installed decades ago, adds Mayor Pro Tem O’Kelley. “It has a sport court in it, which is a rubber floor, which no one in America likes a sport court, but at the time it was from an economical standpoint it’s what we had to do when we got the facility.  So, we felt honored at the time to get the facility, so we put the sport court in hoping someday that we would put hardwood.  So, when you go in this fall you are going to be shocked at how it looks.” The gym entrance is also being redesigned concludes Mayor Pro Tem O’Kelley. “When you walk into that gym, you are standing under the baskets literally when you walk in the door and kids are playing games with you under the basket.  Then people would congregate under the baskets talking because there are so many people coming into that facility during ball games.  So, the doors as you enter now will no longer be where you enter.  Where the stage was is gone, so, you will enter into that area, there will be doors where you enter into that stage area and believe it or not it is a huge area with the stage gone.” Over the years, many people have complained that the old sport court of the Shaver Gym was dirty and caused skin burns when you fell on the floor.  The new hardwood court promises to be safer, easier to clean and more authentic for basketball.