Healthy Eating Tips

Eating healthy starts with education.  Knowing what you are eating is vitally important to maintaining a healthy diet.  Another factor is what time of day you eat your meals.  If you want to loose some weight, the first step maybe to eliminate snacks, says certified health coach Ellen Hotz.  “We have become a snacking country; other countries don’t eat six small meals a day.  Most cultures eat three meals a day with the largest meal being at noon and for a long time we did that in the United States because we were primarily an agricultural country.  Farmers that was when they ate their big meal was at noon or noonish.  Now we eat our big meal at dinner and we then go to bed two or three hours later and if people are doing this snacking business then they are having a snack at 8pm, 9pm, 10pm and sometimes right before going to lay down to sleep.” Hotz offers this advice on when to eat your meals. “Eating three meals a day, early in the morning within an hour upon arising, trying to eat your biggest meal in the middle of the day, eating a meal at dinner time, a lighter meal and trying not to eat too much after 7pm.  Those really are scientifically grounded and proven principals.” Involve the whole family when preparing meals, make it fun and educational.  Hotz says teaching healthy eating to kids when they are young will go a long way towards them avoiding health problems in the future.  For more tips from certified health coach Ellen Hotz, visit