Help determine New Bus Service in OC

An Oconee County task force team has produced a 2018 Public Transportation Survey allowing residents to provide input into future electric bus service. Seneca Mayor Dan Alexander encourages everyone to take the survey and make their opinions known. “Being able to have that survey and I know in those areas that I have heard a lot of people say they wish they had public transportation, even in Seneca being able to get people from Seneca to Walhalla to the government offices or the county offices is real important. Not everybody has transportation and some do, but it is more convenient for them to be able to get on the bus and go there instead of getting in their car to have to drive somewhere. So, just looking at all aspects of that is very beneficial, but I’m a strong advocate of public transportation because I do know that it changes people’s lives and gives people the opportunity to be able to get to work and make a difference.” The survey can be found at This survey will close on Sept. 30, 2018.