Hiring Managers reveal Factors to get Job

Many employers are considering factors other than strong skills and experience when deciding who they will hire. A new CareerBuilder.com study looks at other traits that decide who gets hired. CareerBuilder’s Michael Erwin shared these thoughts via Skype.  “A good sense of humor, an eye for fashion or even knowledge of current events is really going to help you move that hiring manager into your corner and make them hire you.” Appearance was at the top of lists, says Erwin.  “Better dressed came up very high on the list, 22% of hiring managers say somebody with better dress in an interview is going to go a long way to get them hired.” Fitting into the culture of the workplace was the deciding factor between equal candidates, adds Erwin. “If there is two perfectly equal candidates, the hiring manager is going to look at who is going to be the best person to fit in the culture and if the culture is more of a professional culture, if it is more of a loose culture, it is really going to depend on how you act in you interview and that is going to help you get the job.” A sense of humor and involvement in one’s community were also deciding factors, concludes Erwin. “Hiring managers said somebody with a better sense of humor, 27% of them were going to hire that person over somebody who was equally qualified, followed by somebody who has an involvement in their community.  We have seen this become very important. People want you to be well-rounded in the office and outside the office.” To read the complete survey, visit www.CareerBuilder.com.