Holiday Shopping Tips

The day after Thanksgiving, known as Black Friday, is one of the busiest shopping days of the year. The Oconee County Sheriff’s Office recommends that you have a personal safety plan in place and consider these safety tips while you shop this weekend, tells Public Information Officer Jimmy Watt. “Don’t buy more than you can carry. Bring along a friend to help, or ask an employee or another shopper for assistance when carrying packages to your car. Shop with only one credit card. It simplifies canceling purchases. Credit cards are considered generally safer than debit cards. Also to prevent fraud while shopping online, consider using only one credit card as well. When you use your credit card, make sure you get it back after using it to pay for your purchase. You may want to consider removing items from your wallet that you will not need for your shopping trip. Those items include Social Security Cards, Debit and Credit Cards that you will not use, medical insurance, and other ID cards other than your driver’s license or state issued ID card. Also, don’t carry more checks than you need if you plan to pay with this mode of payment. Never leave your purse, wallet or phone unattended. Deter pickpockets by holding these items close to your person. Have your keys in hand when approaching your car, and remember to check the backseat before getting in. Have a plan for meeting at a pre-designated area in case you become separated from your children. Put purchases in the trunk if making multiple stops or if you are traveling. Be familiar with your surrounding at all times and know where the exits are located in case you need to find them in a quick manner.” The Oconee County Sheriff’s Office requests that if you see something suspicious, such as an unattended bag or package, notify a store employee and contact your local law enforcement agency immediately.