Important Qualities for next OC Administrator

Three qualities are very important to be the next Oconee County Administrator, says Oconee County Councilman Paul Cain. “That position requires someone with an emphasis on planning, strategic planning specifically, understanding and anticipating needs down the road, not just next year but five, ten and twenty years down the road. Also the ability to budget and plan for revenue increases and shortfalls and make sure that we have a good reserve. In addition, being able to work with a very diverse group of people, both within the Oconee County government as well as our citizenry. There are many different types of folks; people who want to see the county not grow at all, people who want to see the county grow more than it already has and then all those in between. Focusing on what is in the best interest of the county as a whole, being able to understand and appreciate the different view points and try to balance those interests for everyone. That is really what we are here for, we are supposed to lead the whole county not just one district or one interest group.” In addition, the county is looking for someone with five years related experience and a Master’s degree in public or business administration. The deadline to apply for the job is 5pm on Aug. 15. The choice will be made by the Oconee County Council.