Just Blowin’ Smoke? Seneca Officials Discuss Tobacco and Vape Ban at Jazz, Other City Events

Seneca City Council held a meeting on Tuesday night and the audience was filled with downtown merchants eager to discuss and listen to the topic at hand – whether or not the city should prohibit tobacco products and vaping at events like Jazz on the Alley. Steve Springs, owner of The Red Door and Green Springs on Ram Cat Alley, addressed the mayor and council on behalf of the local business community…
City Administrator Scott Moulder said that, upon evaluating the situation for about three weeks, his recommendation to the council is to ban smoking at Jazz, but also, to look at each event individually, not just a blanket prohibition…
The council voted to direct Moulder to have city attorney Bo Bowman draft a smoking ban ordinance for first reading, to be further discussed, and potentially voted on, at the next council meeting, which will be on Tuesday, June 25.