Keep Kids learning over the Summer

Just because kids are out of school for the summer doesn’t mean that the learning should stop. Oconee County Schools Assistant Superintendent of Instruction Lisa Simmons encourages parents and caregivers to keep kids learning over the summer. “A lot of our elementary schools and middle schools have summer reading programs that they have established with their students, but also we have a great partnership with the Oconee County Public Library and they have a really fun summer reading program going on through Aug. 1. If you go on their website, they have a calendar of events with all sorts of different activities. A lot of times when children see adults in their lives reading that gets them to be motivated to continue with that activity. The library also has a partnership with Clemson University where they will be coming in to do some integrated science with paleontology and reading. So, it looks like the library has a good set of events this summer for our community. I would really encourage parents to take a look at those free activities to get their children involved.” Check out the Oconee County Public Library’s website at