Knox Boxes to improve Senior Safety in OC

This week a new initiative to improve senior safety was unveiled in Oconee County. The Knox Box looks similar to what realtors use to show a house; however, this device gives first responders access to a vulnerable resident’s home. Oconee County Fire Chief Charlie King feels this will be a life saving tool for his office. “We’re excited about it and it is an incredible opportunity because these Knox Boxes are required by Fire Code on commercial occupancies already. So, having them on the home of some of the most vulnerable citizens that we have is going to allow us the same immediate access to them should we go there for a medical emergency or some type of fire. We’re able to gain immediate access into the home because we know there is a problem; we have pre-screened and pre-identified the issue, so that we know that it is a vulnerable resident and gives us immediate access to their home.” If someone is interested in obtaining a box, they should call the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office at 638-4117 or 638-4118.