Labor Day Travel Estimates

There’s less than two weeks left until Labor Day weekend and AAA forecasts that holiday travel will be up this year by 4.2%. Heather Hunter, Public Relations Director for AAA, says this represents a post-recession high. “We are projecting that 34.1 million Americans are going to take a trip this year.” Hunter says that the busiest travel day will be Friday, August 30. “Friday before the holiday is definitely going to be the busiest day for people heading out on their Labor Day vacation.” Most Americans traveling over the holiday will get away by car, adds Hunter. “About 85% of those traveling this year will choose the automobile and that’s primarily due to the convenience of taking a drive trip an also the cost savings that it can offer.” Airports will also be more crowded, continues Hunter. “Airline travel is expected to be up too.  We’re expecting about 2.6 million people to take to the airs, which is about 3% more than last year.” Hunter concludes by saying that more Americans are expected to travel this Labor Day Holiday because travel is more affordable this summer. “Gas prices are down from last year about .18 cents a gallon, so people will save a little bit on their fuel expenses.  We did ask people how much they plan to spend this year on their holiday travel and that is up slightly to $804.” Keep in mind with more Americans expected to travel this Labor Day Holiday more police and troopers will be on the road making sure everyone is traveling safely and responsibly.