Learn about Home Life in the Past Today at the OHC

Life in the past was very different from what it is today. Experience what people of the past had to do on a daily basis to keep their homes in tip top shape today, July 26, from 3-5pm at Throwback Thursdays presented by the Oconee Heritage Center (OHC), explains Assistant Curator and Education Specialist Jennifer Moss. “This Throwback Thursday is called In the Home. So, today we are going to explore what people did in their homes back 100 to 150 years ago. We’re going set up a wash day, we’re going to set up candle making, sowing and a little bit of everything to discover what it was like in the homes of the past. The fee is $10 for OHC members and $15 for non-members.” You must register for this event, so those interested should call 864-638-2224. The OHC is located at 123 Brown’s Square Drive in Walhalla.