Left & Right Protesters Meet at Walhalla Weekend Demonstrations

After one hour, Walhalla’s third protest on Sunday in as many days wound down when the sky darkened, thunder sounded, and raindrops began to fall. That wasn’t the case on Saturday, however, when a group of Black Lives Matter demonstrators and another group of supporters of a Confederate memorial met on Main Street in Walhalla for a demonstration that started early in the evening and lasted long into the night. A 20 year-old man, who wished to be identified only as “Steven” had attached himself to the memorial on Friday, and returned Saturday. He said that his group wants the memorial moved to a museum…

But Michael Whittaker, who identified himself as a member of Sons of Confederate Veterans and a Master Mason, said that the memorial needs to remain where it has for the last century…

Walhalla Police Chief Sean Brinson said that his main priority was to maintain everyone’s safety and constitutional rights…

In order to move any historical monument in South Carolina, a vote of 2/3 majority from the general assembly is required, according to state law.