Legislators meet with OC School Board
The three member local legislative delegation representing Oconee County met with members of the Board of Trustees for the School District of Oconee County on Tuesday morning for their annual meeting before the start of another session. Oconee Country Schools Superintendent Dr. Mike Lucas gives details. “We had three Board members present, Mr. Lee, Mr. Herring and Mrs. Bailes, the other two members had conflicts with their schedules and couldn’t be present but we had a great meeting. It is always an opportunity for us to share any concerns and for the members of the General Assembly to hear some of the priorities we have as they go into their session in January.” Dr. Lucas tells about some of the issues discussed between Legislators and School Board members. “We talked a little about school financing and of course their number one comment was it is all related to the economy. We talked a little more about the teacher evaluation system. There is a resolution that our Board is considering asking that the state carefully look at the use of data and they also brought up the idea of transportation. The delegation ask should that continue from our prospective to remain a state responsibility or should it be shifted to a private company or to local control. Our Board is very much interested in keeping it a state expense. We think if they shift it to the local level it will end up costing more money, but it was an excellent meeting.” The School District of Oconee County was grateful to the Legislators for taking the time to meet with them, concludes Dr. Lucas. “I really appreciate Representative Sandifer, Representative Whitmire and Senator Alexander for being here, always listening and really keeping us informed what is going on in Columbia.” Dr. Lucas plans to post information about the meeting on his blog, which can be found on the school district’s website at www.oconee.k12.sc.us.