Library Trustees pick spot for New Seneca Branch

The Board of Trustees for the Oconee County Public Library has selected a location for the proposed new branch library in the City of Seneca.  Oconee County Public Library publicity director and Seneca Branch manager Blair Hinson gives details.  “A little ways back we had a consultant from Providence Associates, his name is David Warren.  He came to Oconee County and scouted out several sites for the location of the prospective new Seneca Branch of the Oconee County System.  He identified a site where we are now, one possibly downtown, a site out close to U.S. 123, and then previously the School District of Oconee County had given some land near Blue Ridge Elementary School on Oak Street and Highway 59.  There has been discussions about those.  Monday night, the Board of Trustees voted 4-3 to seek out a site for the library near the intersection of 123 and 130.  The reason they did that was in large part for the visibility of that area and a lot of the growth in this area around Seneca is out towards 123.” The site recommendation will be submitted to the Oocnee County Council for their consideration.