Log Cabin Library in Seneca undergoing Restoration

Restoration has begun on the Faith Cabin Library in Seneca, tells Mayor Dan Alexander. “It’s a one room log cabin that we are going restore back to its original condition and its exciting because it is a piece of heritage here in this community. At one time we had a Black Junior College here that closed down in I think it was 1939. This library has been on this site for many, many years and to be able to be a part of preserving that history and making sure that we tell that story is very important to me and it is to this council too. So, I appreciate the council for supporting this to preserve a part of history. Nick Gambrell has been selected to do the renovations.” The Seneca City Council approved a contract with Nick Gambrell not to exceed $50,000 to restore the old building. Hospitality and Accommodations Tax (HAT) money will be used to fund the restoration project.