Look for Wayfinding Signage around OC

It will soon be much easier to find fun attractions in the Golden Corner of South Carolina thanks to the installation of wayfinding signage. Destination Oconee Manager Janet Hartman gives an update on the project to advertise museums, parks and other sites in Oconee County. “Two years ago we went out and we really span the entire county looking at where is our signage now, where do we better need to identify signage and literally we drove the county to identify 144 locations for wayfinding signs. These signs will take folks off the main highways to whether it be the tourism destinations like in the municipalities the museums or the cultural arts centers, out on the highways to your hiking trails, your waterfalls, to the boat ramps, the lakes and things like that. So, this week we will be out flagging those locations. We have bid the project out and the signs are in the process of being fabricated right now. So, my hope would be that we would see those signs in the ground in the next 60 days. That might be a little optimistic but we are hopeful that we can move the project forward. Super excited about it because it will extend our brand and image. We did the gateway signs about a year and half ago and they are awesome and we get lots of comments about them. So, our wayfinding signs will also have that brand identity on them as well so people will know once they cross into Oconee County they will start seeing that image and brand throughout Westminster, Walhalla and Seneca as well. So, it just kind of ties it all together, which is really what we were looking for in the project.” The wayfinding signage will be specific within the cities with their own logo and branding that will complement what the county has done to make it easier for visitors and locals to find their destinations and maybe visit other attractions as well.