Lt. Gov. Pamela Evette to Celebrate 19th Amendment 100th Anniversary

Lt. Gov. Pamela Evette is being joined by a bi-partisan group of state leaders to celebrate 100 years of women’s suffrage today.

“Bringing together this diverse group of successful women from all walks of life serves as a reminder of all that we have achieved over the past 100 years, and all that we will achieve in the future,” said Lt. Gov. Evette.

The Lt. Governor is highlighting women in leadership, women in education, women in public service, voter registration and census completion through self-response at the event today, being held on the South Steps of the South Carolina State House in Columbia. Others on hand for today’s event include Co-President of the League of Women Voters SC Holley Ulbrich, President of Benedict College Dr. Roslyn Artis, President of Furman University Dr. Elizabeth Davis, CEO of Nephron Pharmaceuticals Lou Kennedy, State Representative Patricia Henegan, and State Representative Annie McDaniel.