Lt. Governor campaigns in OC

Today, South Carolina Lt. Governor Kevin Bryant made three stops in Oconee County. Two of those stops, at Palmetto Active Daycare and at the Walhalla Senior Center, involved official business and one was a campaign stop at the Seneca Family Restaurant. Lt. Gov. Bryant tells why voters should elect him to be the next Governor of South Carolina. “I had some official business and some on the campaign. Went by the Senior Center in Seneca this morning on an official visit and then I had a campaign stop at the Seneca Family Restaurant and this is more of an official visit here at the Senior Center in Walhalla. But this is probably I have been to Oconee County since I became Lt. Governor a little over a year ago. I’m pointing out three distinctives that I bring to the debate: I’m a healthcare provider, I’m a pharmacist, I understand Medicaid spending, which we’ve got to control, and I understand the opioid epidemic; I’m a small business owner, I understand the crippling effects of regulation on small business; and most importantly I have a record, everything you are going to hear out of this campaign I can point to a record in the Senate on things I’ve done and things I’ve voted for and against. President Ronald Reagan said, “Trust will verify” and I have a record that will backup everything that you hear me talk about. I have a contract with South Carolina. The first one is ethics reform. Then registration by party, we have a legislative steak in South Carolina. Our founders envisioned three branches of government; Judicial, Legislative, and Executive. In South Carolina we have one branch, it is a legislative state, so the Department of Transportation needs to be a cabinet agency under the governor so the people know who to hold accountable and this message has been well received all over the state. So, folks can go to and take a look at that contract. Its been a wonderful opportunity to serve as Lt. Governor and to be a candidate for Governor. I am meeting interesting people all over the state and having conversations. God gave us two ears and a mouth for a reason. At the Seneca Family Restaurant I only talked for a few minutes and I took questions because I wanted to hear what was on their minds. Its a good learning experience when you go to a group and you have a conversation with them.” To learn more, visit