Man sentenced on Assault and Battery Charges

Thirteenth Circuit Solicitor Walt Wilkins states that 23-year-old Seth Aaron Fleury pled guilty this week to assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature, and was sentenced to 12 years in the South Carolina Department of Corrections by the Honorable Robin B. Stilwell. Fleury will have to serve at least 85% of the 12 year sentence before he becomes eligible for parole. Evidence presented at the plea hearing by Assistant Solicitor Elizabeth Gary established that on Oct. 21, 2017, Fleury met his former girlfriend, Kayla Hayes, in Simpsonville, to discuss their relationship. Fleury became angry when Hayes refused to resume the relationship and he attempted to kiss her. She pulled away and he bit down on her bottom lip with such force that her lip was amputated. He then left the scene. Hayes underwent emergency plastic surgery, but doctors were not able to reattach her lip. As a result of Fleury’s actions, Hayes has permanent, serious scarring and a permanent, limited range of motion in her mouth. The case was investigated by Adam Randolph, Daniel Penninger, and Keith Morecraft of the Simpsonville Police Department. After the plea hearing Solicitor Walt Wilkins said, “This case demonstrates the unique circumstances under which domestic violence occurs, and how quickly these situations can escalate into violence. Hopefully this prison sentence will make it clear to both this defendant and other abusers that domestic violence in any fashion will not be tolerated.”