Mask Ordinances Passed in Oconee County and Walhalla

Walhalla City Council decided at their Tuesday night meeting to enact an ordinance to require everyone within the corporate limits to wear masks while in public spaces, in buildings, and where social distancing can’t be achieved. The vote was 4-2, with the dissenters questioning how the police can enforce mask wearing.

City Councilwoman Sarai Melendez says she believes the community will cooperate in the effort to tamp down the virus spread…

Police Chief Sean Brinson expressed concern that the city’s small police department might not have sufficient manpower, and he told the mayor and council that his officers won’t issue a citation unless the officer witnesses the violation…

Councilman Keith Pace along with Councilman Josh Roberts cast the only no votes. Roberts said he thought the council should see how well the schools deal with the pandemic upon reopening next week…

The mask requirement in the City of Walhalla becomes law Monday, August 24.

Also on Tuesday, The Oconee County Council unanimously passed a face mask ordinance by a 5-0 vote. Anyone working in or visiting a county government building, including all branches of the local library, will be required to wear a face mask unless they are exempt for medical or religious reasons. The County’s ordinance took effect immediately after the Council used an emergency provision that allows ordinances to be passed after only one reading. The same exemptions apply to the City of Walhalla’s ordinance. Violations of both the city and county’s ordinances are a misdemeanor and could result in a citation carrying a minimum fine of $25.