Mayor credits Finance Staff for good Audit

After receiving an unqualified opinion on its financial audit for the second straight year, the Finance Department for the City of Seneca is being praised for a job well done.  Seneca Mayor Dan Alexander commends Clerk-Treasurer Joel Seavey and his staff for doing a great job on the audit and throughout the year. “It is a pretty major task.  Seneca has grown a lot over the years and right now, we have the largest budget that we have ever had.  They have to deal with a lot, so they are a great staff.  Definitely, a busy department that handles all your personnel, pay rolls, they pay the bills, so everything actually ends up coming through that department, so it is very busy.  They do a great job.”  The City’s outside auditing firm of Stancil, Cooley, Estep and Stamey found no internal control errors or material weaknesses with Seneca’s fiscal year 2011-2012 audit, which can be accessed online at