Mayor excited about Economic Development in Downtown Seneca

There is a lot going on in the City of Seneca. Economic development projects are taking place throughout downtown, says Seneca Mayor Dan Alexander. “I’m excited that we are seeing so much happen in the downtown area. Walnut Street Bakery has gone in the building right next to Tannon Hall. I went in there the other day and that is a neat store. I enjoyed it because when I walked in you could actually see them making the cakes. So, that is a very neat addition to downtown on Ram Cat Alley. We are glad to have her, she was on the other end of town and needed a bigger space, so that worked out great to be able to come here.” Mayor Alexander gives an update on construction of the new Keowee Brewery in downtown Seneca. “The brewery is actually full-speed ahead right now. They are really moving fast getting their construction work done and I’m hoping toward the beginning of the year we’ll see Keowee Brewery open up and I’m real excited about that.” Two downtown buildings have recently been sold as well, adds Mayor Alexander. “It is my understanding that a couple of buildings on Ram Cat Alley have just sold too. So, I’m real excited to hear about the activity going on downtown. Not only in certain areas of town, but throughout the town we are seeing some good things happen. So, I’m real excited about that.” Mayor Alexander says another major downtown project is road construction on Railroad Street. “There is a lot of work going on down on Railroad Street. They are re-doing that road and that is going to be closed for a couple of months because it is a pretty major project trying to resurface that and they are having to tear it all out. So, I know that is going to be inconvenient for some people for a little while, but just know we are trying to do that as fast as we can.” Railroad Street in downtown Seneca was closed on Sept. 24, for the road construction project, which is anticipated to take 60 days.