More Money for OC Veterans Relief Fund

A check presentation was made this morning in Walhalla by South Carolina Lieutenant Governor Kevin Bryant to the Oconee County Veterans Relief Fund and it was more money than originally thought, explains Oconee County Veterans Affairs Director Jerry Dyar. “Good bit more than we thought. Darryl Broome from the Lt. Governor’s Office Council on Again, he is responsible for this along with State Senator Thomas Alexander getting this process going for us. They saw the need and what we are doing here to help elderly and disabled veterans across Oconee County. Darryl talked to the Lt. Governor about it and all this was approved by the proper authorities. I had initially thought that it was going to be a $10,000 grant and this morning I saw the big presentation check and I saw the check was made out for $17,000. Darryl said he had found some additional funds, so naturally we were happy. This $17,000 is an infusion into the Veterans Council Relief Fund that will be able to utilize to help elderly and disabled veterans with wheel chair ramps and improvements in their homes. It’s a God send and it is going to help a lot of veterans now and in the future. This is a great day for the efforts of the Oconee County Veterans Council Relief Fund.” These funds will assist veterans who have fallen on hard times as well as their families.