More People riding CAT Buses

As the City of Seneca prepares to usher in new all-electric CAT buses, more and more people are riding the public transit system.  Seneca Planning and Community Development Director Ed Halbig said a record number of people rode CAT buses in 2012.  “It was between 250,000 and 270,000 riders last year, which is amazing for a system, our size.  I have ridden the bus and I enjoy doing it.  You see folks going to places to shop, they are going to work.  Folks now have the ability to get to and from a job and that’s exciting.” The city anticipates even more CAT bus riders next year when the new buses are introduced.  Halbig encourages those residents who have not ridden a CAT bus yet to ride one.  “It is a fantastic service.  If you haven’t ridden it, you need to ride it because there is no reason not to.” The City of Seneca is planning a ceremony to welcome the new all-electric CAT buses and thank all those people and agencies who have worked on bringing them to the city sometime in December.