More People working in SC

The number of individuals working across the state set a new record in October, and the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate remained unchanged at 3.9% for the month. Over the past five months, the state’s unemployment rate has remained in the 3.9 to 4% range, levels not seen in nearly 17 years. The number of employed increased by 1,830 to 2,234,600 people, while unemployment declined by 251 to 91,091, the fewest unemployed since February 2001. The state’s labor force increased by 1,579 to 2,325,691 people. Since October of 2016, employment has grown by 38,453, while unemployment decreased by 10,681. This has increased the labor force by 27,772. “Last month South Carolina’s robust economy grew further, with businesses hiring more people in nearly every industry sector. The South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce has done its part in relieving businesses’ tax burden by saving businesses nearly $700 million in unemployment insurance taxes since 2013,” said Cheryl Stanton, executive director of the South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce. “This is money that businesses can and have used to reinvest in South Carolina workers.” Locally, the South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce lists Oconee County’s unemployment rate at 3.8% in October, down from 3.9% in September. Pickens County’s jobless figure was unchanged at 3.6% as was Anderson County at 3.5%. Nationally, the unemployment rate edged down to 4.1% in October from 4.2% in September.