More Tables and Chairs for Jazz

More tables and chairs are coming to Jazz on the Alley. At their regular monthly meeting Tuesday night, the Seneca City Council approved $5,400 to be spent on additional seating for events, explains Seneca Recreation Director Rick Lacey. “Well we had around 100-125 people last week that were standing and didn’t have a place to sit and on top of that this is our eighth year of Jazz and we are still using some of the tables we used the first year. We did replace some but we also needed to add about 75 chairs and 20 tables.” Hospitality and Accommodations Tax funds will be used to purchase the tables and chairs to be used at city events. This will increase seating at Jazz on the Alley, which is held every Thursday night, April through October, from 6:30-9pm on Ram Cat Alley in downtown Seneca, to 450.