More Young South Carolinians Testing Positive for COVID-19, DHEC Says

South Carolinians under the age of 30 are testing positive for COVID-19 in increasing numbers the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) reported. As of Friday, 4,160 of the 22,608 confirmed cases in South Carolina are people ages 21 to 30. This accounts for 18.4% of all confirmed cases in the state. Additionally, people in their teens account for 7.0% of confirmed cases. Since April 4, data from the agency shows that there has been a 413.9% increase in newly reported COVID-19 cases among the 21-30 age group, and a 966.1% increase in newly reported COVID-19 cases among the 11-20 age group. This data follows national trends that indicate a growing number of young adults and youth being confirmed to have COVID-19.