Moulder explains Reasons for leaving OC for Seneca

On May 14, Scott Moulder starts working for the City of Seneca. On Wednesday he signed a contract to become the new city administrator. He explained to those in attendance at Seneca City Hall for the signing, the reasons he is leaving the county for the city. “Well, to be honest with you, I feel like Seneca chose me a long time ago. We have been a part of this community for eight years now, we live in Seneca, my kids attend the Seneca schools, so it is a community that has really grown on me from well beyond today or prior to today. This is an opportunity to work with a group of council members and a mayor that will respect and appreciate the administrator and they have shown examples of that with Mr. Dietterick. They create a vision and allow the administrator to work with them to create that vision and that excites me. The family here of employees is very close and I appreciate that and want to be a part of that. There are a lot of things happening here from a growth and development standpoint, from an improvement standpoint and it is exciting to be apart of it. I’ve had a relationship with a number of the council members for a long time, just from our professional involvement as well as our personal involvement, so I really feel like I have been a part of this process down here already. Even from running in the first Mud Run that they had out at the Recreation Department. So, I have been a part of the community and it is kind of a natural draw. I cut my teeth in the municipal arena and there is an intimacy with our services and the people that you have and find in cities that you don’t get at the county level. I’ve missed that, I’ve miss dealing with services that affect our children, like recreation. So, there are so many reasons that this is a good fit for both of us and I’m just excited to be a part of it. Again, it is going to be nice to work with a group of people that appreciate, respect and want me down here to help them do a good job.” Moulder succeeds Greg Dietterick, who retires on June 30, after 20 years as Seneca City Administrator.