Multi-Tasking Parents are Distracted Drivers

A new survey finds that many parents multi-task while driving their kids. Lead author Dr. Michelle Macy says that the children of distracted drivers are at greater risk of being in an accident than children whose parents pay full attention to their driving. “There is a significant increase in crash risk for those parents who said that they have been distracted while they’re driving.” Dr. Macy explains that it is not just cell phones or other technology that distracts parents while driving. “They were eating or feeding their child, they were also often picking up a game or toy that the child had dropped in the back seat.” The study suggests that nine out of ten parents admit to being distracted while driving young children, says Dr. Macy. “Using a hand-held cell phone was one of the most common things that parents reported they were doing.” Parents, like all drivers are encouraged to ignore cell phones and other technology while driving.  Teach your children about car safety, so they can help everyone stay safe on the road.