Never leave Pets in Cars during the Summer

In nice weather you may be tempted to take your pet with you in the car while you travel or do errands, but that is not a good idea during the summer in the south, says Angel Newman with the Oconee Humane Society. “The key is if you’re hot, your pet is hot. So, whether they are inside or outside or going out to play for the afternoon you have to realize that you couldn’t handle the heat, so neither can they. So, it is super important. We all know not to leave children in cars during the summer, the same is true with pets, even if you are running into the store. A minute or two is too long. Leave your pets at home in this kind of heat. Make sure that they are never in the back of a truck, just imagine that metal or that bed-lining that is back there and how hot that is on your dog’s feet. We have actually seen burns where the paws are singe. So, just leave your pets at home, make sure they have plenty of fresh water and if they are outside, good shade and keep them as comfortable as possible.” Refill water bowls often during the summer, adds Newman. “Sometimes four or five times a day, depending on where the water is located and how large the bowl is. It is just a good idea to go out and put your hand in and get a feel for it. Can you imagine drinking hot water in the summer heat? They are in the same boat, so give them that opportunity for fresh, cool and clean water.” Don’t walk your dog during the day’s highest heat and humidity, usually between 1-4pm. Avoid walking on pavement and other hot surfaces that can burn the pads on your dog’s feet.