New Billboard drawing attention to SHS

A new billboard in front of Seneca High School (SHS) is drawing a lot of attention. It is also helping students by improving facilities, explains SHS Guidance Director and Assistant Athletic Director Karen Trammell. “Its just a way to recognize and thank our sponsors. Also I think it brings a lot of attention to our school. A lot of people are noticing that and I think that is what you want a billboard to do.” Fundraising paid for the billboard, continues Trammell. “We have paid for it with fundraising. There was no money from the school or the school district spent. But it is completely paid for with money that we raised through this project.” Trammell tells how funds raised through the billboard project will initially be used. “The first thing we are going to do with that money, we are going to try to renovate the locker rooms over in the gym. They’ve not really had anything done to them since the school was built in the late 1980’s and that is something we want to do for our students and student athletes. Another big need is putting new scoreboards at all of the athletic fields other than football. We are going to do baseball, softball and soccer. That takes a lot of money, those scoreboards are about $20,000 each so it takes a lot of money to do that. But we think we have the money now to take on these projects at the beginning of next year. And it is going to be a revenue generator for many years to come.” The new billboard also allows the school to recognize and congratulate students on their accomplishments throughout the year.