New Combat Infantry Veteran

For all veterans who ever served in an Infantry unit in the Army, and possessing the CIB (Combat Infantry Badge), you need to know about an organization that has been form, with a “local” company in existence. Rick Falardeau of Seneca who serves as Commander of Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 1st Regiment Corp. of the Oconee based CIB organization is announcing a “membership drive blitz” in order to pump new life into truly one of the most highly regarded of all ex-service member organizations. What is needed to verify eligibility in the local CIB is a DD Form 214 with corresponding “infantry” MOS and the designation of the Combat Infantry Badge. Falardeau said, “We currently have approximately 25 CIB members. The group meets at 10am the third Tuesday of every other month for breakfast at Betty’s Hungry House restaurant in Seneca. We recently inducted two new members into our association.” Falardeau went on to say, “The Combat Infantryman Association is surely one of most highly regarded of all ex-service organizations and we would be proud to welcome any “blue badge” holder into our company. Those veterans holding the CIB who may be interested in teaming up with are encouraged to contact me at 1-386-299-0199, or the Oconee County Veterans Affairs Office at 638-4231. We are very happy to welcome in our two newest members, Mr. B.W. Watkins of Seneca and Mr. Roy Spivey of Salem.