New Gym Floor approved for Shaver

A new hardwood gym floor will soon be installed at the City of Seneca’s Shaver Recreation Complex.  The City has received bids and Seneca Mayor Dan Alexander expects work to begin soon on the project.  “At Shaver we are getting ready to redo the gym floor and the stage area there is also being torn out and having another way to come in.  I know this something that Mayor Pro Tem Ronnie O’Kelley has been wanting to do for a long time, mainly because there are some safety issues there.  If you ever fall on the floor there, you can be burned very easy, so they wanted to put in a wood floor there for a long time.  I know Ronnie has worked real hard to try to pull that together and we were able to do that this year.” The City has already received bids from prospective contractors.  The mayor expects the bid to be awarded soon, so work can be completed prior to basketball season starting at the Seneca Recreation Department this winter.