New Routines for Back to School: First Day Felt Close to Normal, Says Thorsland

The School District of Oconee County opened to students both face-to-face and virtually today.
Approximately 75% of students returned to school buildings, with the remaining 25% taking part in SDOC@Home, a remote option for students. 
Superintendent Dr. Michael Thorsland said, “District administrators visited all of our school sites today.  While there were certainly new routines and obvious COVID-19 precautions, it felt close to a normal school opening.  The excitement of both our staff and students was clear at every school I visited.”
Associate Superintendent Steve Hanvey said, “This was the best day in regards to work that I’ve had in 5 months.  It did my heart good to see our students  back. While the masks hid the smiles, it was obvious they were happy to be at school.  We still had the usual first day hiccups like traffic congestion, but overall, everything went smoothly. Our staff is second to none and did an outstanding job today.”