Nine DJJ Correctional Officers sworn in after Graduation

Nine Juvenile Correctional Officers were sworn in today, after graduating from the SC Department of Juvenile Justice’s four-week training program. They will serve youth at DJJ facilities across the state. DJJ’s Division of Security Operations trains and graduates a new class of officers each month. This month’s graduation falls in line with National Correctional Officers Week. It’s a week dedicated to celebrating correctional officers and personnel. Juvenile Correctional Officers are integral to the success of our agency, ensuring the safety and security of juveniles and staff. They work alongside youth daily, meaning our JCOs are able to play a key role in the rehabilitation of youth through mentoring and encouragement. DJJ is always looking for people with good character and a desire to serve to join our team of officers. If you’re interested in a career at the Department of Juvenile Justice, call 803-896-9765.