Oconee County has its sights set on a piece of land near Walhalla to expand its money-making Rock Quarry operations. As yet, however, there’s no deal. According to Edda Cammick, county council chairwoman, the council recently passed a resolution authorizing negotiations and due diligence before the deal goes thru. “We don’t have the final price for the final contract yet. It will be made public when available.” In answer to a question posed by a listener, Cammick said the deal was made by a single resolution, later amended, in place of an ordinance requiring three readings and a hearing. The chairwoman had these additional comments about the county quarry: “…the rock quarry is an independent enterprise fund. They are self sufficient so the revenue they generate goes to salaries, equipment, maintenance, and then they contribute to the general fund. They have a fund they save money for the purpose of buying land adjacent to the quarry so they can expand their mining operations….”